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Dedicated to community and global improvement by enhancing the lives of others through Volunteerism!

Power in our numbers

women helping women.jpg

About us and Our History


The East Brunswick Woman’s Club was founded in 1952 and Federated in 1953. The Club is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the oldest and largest service organization of volunteer women in the world.


The East Brunswick Woman’s Club is a non-political and non-sectarian organization whose mission is to bring together the women of this and neighboring communities for mutual help in promoting such civic, educational and social activities as shall lead to service and fellowship.


In the club year we do a bunch of community service and fundraisers through out the year even meeting up in the months that we aren't in active club season. Some of the fundraisers and community service we do include a Garage Sale, planting a tree in our name for Arbor Day, we give out scholarships to students who are graduating and have gone above and beyond of giving and we have given to the animal shelters around the area as well. We also participate in giving to NJSFWC's Operation Smile and Operation Holiday Stocking.


Our Club General Meetings are a crucial part of our year that's where we make big decisions and vote on ideas and talk to the club about the projects and big events happening including NJSFWC events. General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month starting in September and going through May.   










"There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people!"  -Vincent Van Gogh




Events and Meetings 
All General Meetings are held at The Knights of Columbus Building, St. Bartholomew Church
460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816
Welcome to The 2024-2025 Club Year!

September Events:
10th - General Membership Meeting- 
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30pm
12th- College District Council Meeting-
NJFWC Headquarters @ 10:30 am
25th- Charity Luncheon - 
VFW Post 133 485 Cranbury Road East Brunswick, NJ 08816 @12pm
27-29 Middle Atlantic Region Conference
Harrisburg, PA (Sheraton)
October Events: 
8th- General Membership Meeting-
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30 pm
21st- NJFWC State Fall Conference- 
APA Hotel 120 S Wood Ave, Iselin NJ @ 10:00am
November Events:
12th- General Membership Meeting -
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30
17th- NJFWC 130th Celebration-
Somerville Elks 375 Union Ave Bridgewater, NJ 12-4 pm
December Events:
7th- Holiday Cookie Exchange-
11 Darby Road East Brunswick NJ 08816
10th Holiday Dinner- 
Time and Place TBD
January Events:
14th- General Membership Meeting- 
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30
20th- NJFWC Day-
Day of Service- NJFWC Headquarters Time TBD
23rd- College District Council Meeting-
NJFWC Headquarters Time TBD
February Events:
11th- General Membership Meeting-
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30
March Events:
11th- General Membership Meeting-
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30
27th- College District Preforming Arts Day 
(Snow Day- April 3rd)-

Time and Place TBD
April Events:
2nd- College District GCI Delegate Reception-
NJFWC Headquarters Time TBD
8th- General Membership Meeting-
Knights of Columbus 460 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick NJ 08816 @ 7:30
10th-  College District Spring Conference and Achievement Day- 
Time and Day TBD
June Events: 
26th- College District Meeting- 
NJFWC Headquarters- Time TBD 
May Events:
5-7th NJFWC Convention- 
Hard Rock Hotel and Casino- Atlantic City NJ 
13th General Membership Meeting- Installation Dinner- Time and Place TBD
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